my ART!!!!!

Hello!! These are just a few of my highlights! I mostly gravitate towards drawing furries or just animals in general, but I’m currently working on branching out to still life, mechanical characters, and humans! I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and I still have lots of growing to do as an artist. I am able to mimic styles and change my style to suit any purpose! I’m also capable of creating work with just a written description!

I am also helping my partner with an upcoming indi project! Though right now the project is on hold, I am the concept artist for an indi horror game for the Flat-Woods Monster! We haven’t gotten very far with the project, however I have scribbled up this monster concept for the game! I will be uploading more concept art for the game here, however bigger updates regarding production and release dates for the game will be over on my partners website, linked below.

I’ve recently started to get back into small animations! I used to animate all the time on Flipnote Hatena as a child, and I enjoyed it! As an adult, I’ve been working hard to get back into the swing of animation and I’ve been making some decent progress! And while I’m at it, I’ll toss in a couple links to some of my old storyboards!

This will be a very small section for now, but I tried my hand at logo making/small business banners! This example was made for a local small business! The other example here is for myself! I also designed my partners logo, shown above!